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4 Crucial Things To Remember During a Dental Emergency
4 Crucial Things To Remember During a Dental Emergency
February 16, 2022

One of the most common dental emergencies faced by people is getting their tooth knocked out in an accident. This is especially true for anyone who plays contact sports as they run the risk of having their tooth knocked out in certain scenarios. During such an event, while it is mandatory to check for concussive injuries, it is equally important to call the dentist right away and promptly prepare for such a dental emergency.


Following that line of thought, here are 4 things you must do during a dental emergency.


Stay Calm

When you see your tooth lying on the ground, it’s normal to feel panicked and scared. However, never let it cloud your judgement, for time is of the essence if you want to save your tooth. During such situations, try to stay calm and call an ambulance and your dentist. Ultimately, the first few seconds and minutes determine the chances of your dental recovery. 


Prioritize Tooth Storage

If you can find your tooth, make sure to clean and store it properly. Only touch the tooth by the crown, which is the exposed part of the tooth when it was in your mouth. Once the tooth has been retrieved, rinse it with only warm water; never use soap and other harsh cleaning materials. Then, you can preserve it in a glass or container of milk or your saliva, as both substances have calcium that helps prevent it from breaking down.


Rinse Your Mouth With Warm Water

Only use warm water and not hot water when rinsing your mouth. The rationale behind using warm water is to kill all the germs that may infect the gums. For most effective results, make sure to gargle and move the water around your mouth for at least ten seconds and repeat the process five or more times.


Call a Trusted Dentist Immediately

Once all the above processes are finished, you should immediately seek out medical help. A professional dentist can restore dislodged teeth from sockets back into place in no time, as long as you’ve followed the preservation and cleaning methods listed here. 


Thus, by following this emergency protocol, you can reduce any damage you might suffer during a dental emergency. 


During a dental emergency, it pays to have a reliable dental office that can handle all your emergencies in no time. If you have yet to find one, then Queens Quay Dental can accommodate all your emergency needs. 


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